See what any planet will look like through ANY telescope!Need help picking your first telescope? Not sure what it's capable of? Why not try before you buy?!
After a series of precise mathmatical calculations, Telescope Simulator will show exactly what any planet will look like through ANY telescope!!
You can even simulate different barlow lenses or eyepieces on your currect telescope to see what it's capable of!
Select from over 50 popular telescopes from Orion, Celestron and Meade to see what they are capable of!
If your telescope is not on the list, simply tap the 'Custom' button and enter its aperture and focal length and the Telescope Simulator will do the rest!
Telescope Simulator will also simulate all the negative effects of real telescopes so you know exactly what you are buying!
Just like with a real telescope, if you magnify a scope beyond its capabilities your image will get blurry and dim.
For added effect, there is an optional 'Seeing' toggle button that factors in bad atmospheric conditions.
You can even select the Hubble as your telescope just to compare!
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Keywords: jwst, saturn, astronomy, astronomer, star, star gazer, sky map, stellarium, jupiter, mars, uranus, pluto, centauri, ISS, international space station, mercury, venus, eyepiece, barlow, deep sky